
"I don’t know. Let me see its strength first."

Xiaoxi said to draw a card from the virtual. She threw the card directly. The card suddenly changed into a line of constantly beating numbers. The number increased rapidly and finally fixed at 1:1. "What does this mean?" Asked the red stork "It means that the strength of the other party is one thousand times […]


Although there is no problem with the retreat, there is a storm in the Phobos-1 delivery channel because of the retreat, so this time the problem will definitely be retired

However, Xu’s status is quite special. Xu retired as a B-level intermediate individual, but also the winner of the Blue Star Guardian Medal. Now, it is the head of the Tongtian Special Warfare Regiment in Huaxia District. This time, Cai Shaochu retired to facilitate the relocation of the Galaxy Spirit Institute, and gave Xu a […]


Unexpectedly, since I met the huge body, I have gone through a lot of hardships until now, and now I have found a virtual sword, but I can only destroy a nail in the left hand of the huge body.

It seems that I can see what he is thinking about. The huge corpse said, "This is incredible. All sentient beings who were nailed to the bronze column were able to save me, but you have mastered virtual swordsmanship and have virtual swords. This is almost impossible!" "Is it good for you to free your […]

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