A low sob interrupted Lu Zhang’s thoughts.

"What’s the matter with you, madam?" There is a little uneasiness in Lu Zhang’s voice. He has seen his wife cry like this. In his mind, his wife is a great woman, strong and full of wisdom. He often teases that if she is a man, she will be a rare hero in the world. […]


"Here we are!"

Time falls, and the person who got the news hurried to meet him. "Three ancestors are waiting in the backyard." "hmm" backyard Green orange tree Qian Ji changed into a white robe and lay in a soft chair. When he saw a threesome, he raised his hand and fell down. "Laughed" He grinned bitterly. "I’m […]


Wu Zhe, who has been dealing with beetles, is not so afraid of insects, but he is also scared at this time, wondering why there are so many strange reptiles in this wine cellar.

These reptiles are excellent in intelligence from birth to now, and some of them are even smarter than some practitioners. They sense that Wu Zhe is going to break through and move out different kinds of genius treasures from different places. Wu Zhe doesn’t know the effects of these geniuses, but he can be sure […]


"Brother Mo, wait a moment!"

Shelia said and motioned for a side teacher younger brother to receive a himself, and quickly turned into the mountains and went straight to the fairy peak. A great master asks for an audience, even if he doesn’t directly teach real people, he has to go back to a dharma-level elder or a real person. […]


He touched Zhu Xiaolie’s front like a greeting. "That’s it. Because you can’t shoot people behind in the middle of the night, you just fell down when you touched the soldier. It said that the soldier was already dead when I went in."

"So that’s it." Zhu Xiaolie was silent for a long time and asked me, "Are there any contradictions between you and Cui Nian?" I was surprised by Zhu Xiaolie’s eye, but I could pretend as if nothing had happened. "Of course not. Otherwise, how could I live directly with Uncle Cui? He was close to […]

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