"I don’t know. Let me see its strength first."

Xiaoxi said to draw a card from the virtual. She threw the card directly. The card suddenly changed into a line of constantly beating numbers. The number increased rapidly and finally fixed at 1:1. "What does this mean?" Asked the red stork "It means that the strength of the other party is one thousand times […]


"Let’s go back"

"Go back?" Hege nodded repeatedly during the period. "Go back to us!" …… …… …… Shuode’s body was lying on his back on the cold ground. When he died, his eyes were wide open and he seemed to still not believe in his fate. Fat and fragrant, kneeling on the side, shivering Yu Zhouyi … […]


In his view, Li Baoxin’s big probability is that the unpopular children in the Li family are likely to be targeted by some people, otherwise they will not fall to this point.

"There is movement in front" not far away, Zhou Jia closed his eyes and opened his eyes. "drop one height" "good!" Miao Ganwen nodded and the flying boat was driven by the source energy. The ground covered with yellow sand and gravel came into view at a constant speed. And in the yellow sand everywhere, […]


"Do we need this?" Zhang Yinghao can’t help but chime in.

"Of course not" Gu Qingshan didn’t want to see it again, but suddenly he had an idea. Hidden in the depths of his heart, the hidden worries suddenly welled up at the moment. Gu Qingshan dozen jiling back up a layer of cold sweat. How could I be like this? Gu Qingshan immediately paid attention […]


Although marked led the battle.

However, the East Route Army also sent a large number of knights to participate in the war and the losses were also very heavy With a stroke of a pen, Suo Su ‘erdak directly divided the dark crystal obtained by slaying evil spirits on the battlefield into two parts. Half of them were reserved for […]

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